Episode 37: Learn How to Meditate (Part 1/4): The “Perfect Conditions”

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Episode Description:

Welcome! This series introduces listeners to what meditation is and how to practice. And if you’re not a meditation beginner, it’s also a great way to re-ignite your practice in the new year.

For each week of January, we’ll review a different foundational topic followed by an introductory guided practice (but you don’t have to do them in order!).

Meditation and mindfulness is about so much more than just the moments you do something like listen to this episode. It’s a practice that takes times to integrate, to explore, to address emotional challenges, and fold into our daily lives. I’m so glad you’re starting (or continuing) here with me.

This episode (1/4):

  • What you need to get started with meditation (yourself)

  • How there’s no such thing as “perfect conditions”

  • You can stop, drop, and meditate - where and how you are right now (unless you’re driving)

  • Trying to wait for perfect conditions means you may never get around to actually meditating

  • Meditation is all about being present and accepting what’s here right now


You can always find more about meditation on the podcast, on the blog at https://www.technicallyspiritual.com/blog, and for business or team leaders who want to boost productivity and happiness on their teams, visit https://www.technicallyspiritual.com/corporate-services to learn about our mindfulness programming.

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Grateful for YOU!


Episode 38: Learn How to Meditate (Part 2/4): What Does It Actually Mean to “Clear the Mind”?


Episode 36: Change Your Voice, Change Your Life with TedX Speaker Marshall Davis Jones