Technically Spiritual features inspiring conversations and meditations that stimulate thinking about the ways in which the digital space can empower our whole selves.
Episode 29: Sacred Activism: The Connection Between Inner & Outer Transformation
This episode, Prerna chats with spiritual activist Chelsea Macmillan about just that: activism as a spiritual act. Learn about the connection between our inner and outer worlds, and how to hold onto hope and peace in a tumultuous time.
Episode 28: Why “Free Speech!!!” is Spotify’s Favorite Red Herring
The Joe Rogan // Free Speech headlines this month are just symptoms of a deeper issue – and Spotify (and other tech corporations) are thrilled we’ve taken the red herring bait.
Episode 27: What We’ve Gotten Wrong About Gratitude
Our cross-cultural understanding of gratitude is quite limited. Prerna breaks down how to broaden our perspective & holistically practice...